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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver > ABOUT OLLI AT DU > Weather Policy

Weather Policy   

Weather Closure Announcements – In person classes

Please use your best judgement in deciding about coming to class.


OLLI at DU-Central

OLLI at DU Central courses at First Universalist Church, Ruffato Hall, or Chambers Center will be cancelled if the Denver Public Schools (DPS) OR DU Campus is closed. 

Late Start: If the school district announces a late start, classes will be held as usual.

In-service Days: If the school district is closed for in-service during a snow day, there would be no announcement on the news.  In that event, check this website.

OLLI at DU-OLLI-on-Campus

All OLLI at DU  classes held on the DU campus will be cancelled if the Denver Public Schools (DPS) are closed OR if DU closes for the day.

Late Start: If the school district announces a late start, OLLI at DU -DU Campus classes will start at the regularly scheduled time.

In-service Days: If the school district is closed for in-service during a snow day, there would be no announcement on the news.  In that event, the greeting at the OLLI at DU office, 303-871-3090, will be changed by 7am to announce whether classes will be held or not.  

OLLI at DU-South

OLLI at DU South follows Littleton Public School District closure policies. If Littleton Public Schools are closed OLLI at DU South is closed. If there is a delayed start, we begin classes at the regular start time of 9:30.  

OLLI at DU West

If Jefferson County Public Schools are closed due to the weather - OLLI at DU West is closed.  

Click on this link to check for Jefferson County School District closures:

In-service Days:  If Jeffco school district is closed for a teacher in-service work day during a bad weather day, there would be no announcement on the news.  In that event, check this website.



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