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Health and Wellness   

  • NDEs/Near Death Experiences and Lots More; Stunning Reports from Decades of Research
  • Fee: $60.00
    Item Number: w25HEW102801
    Dates: 1/16/2025 - 2/20/2025
    Times: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    Days: Th
    Sessions: 6
    Building: Online - Central
    Room: NA
    Instructor: Maria Arapakis
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.
    What happens to human “consciousness” when we die? In 1978 Dr. Raymond Moody's landmark book “Life After Life” reported on Moody’s investigation of 150 people who died “clinically,” were subsequently revived, and reported similar extraordinary experiences. His book started a revolution in popular attitudes regarding an “afterlife” and forever changed how we understand both death and life. Since then, with vastly improved resuscitation techniques, five decades of scientific research on thousands of NDEs has brought us powerful evidence that yes, Virginia, there is “life" after physical death and, as frosting on the cake, what awaits us is both heart-warming and extremely comforting. Physicians and professors at prominent universities, medical schools and hospitals world-wide continue to study this phenomenon with seriously "mind-blowing" results. This course brings you up to speed on these findings as well as what we now know about other exceptional “paranormal” phenomenon.




  • Fee: $60.00
    Item Number: w25HEW103101
    Dates: 1/15/2025 - 2/19/2025
    Times: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 6
    Building: Online - On Campus
    Room: NA
    Instructor: Gretchen Frey
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.

    There is growing interest in prolonging not just the lifespan, but what has been called the “healthspan”: the portion of life spent enjoying good health and functional status. This course will draw on two recent books (Outlive, by Peter Attia, MD, and Embrace Aging, by Jeannette Guerrasio, MD), as well as other sources in the medical and popular literature, to expand on this concept. We will explore preventive strategies as well as adaptations to existing disease, always with our focus on quality of life.

    Recommended: Outlive (by Peter Attia); Embrace Aging (by Jeannette Guerrasio)




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