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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver > ABOUT OLLI AT DU > Committees > Marketing & Communications Committee

Marketing & Communications Committee   

OLLI at DU is growing! We are seeking to reach more adults 50+ who are interested in lifelong learning. We say “come for the courses and stay for the connections.” We are doing everything we can do drive interest in the program, and growth in memberships. We do this with a range of strategies.

  • It makes sense from a cost standpoint to deploy strategies for sharing information through multiple electronic channels to drive traffic and “clicks” on the OLLI at DU website and growth of the email list. We do this with outreach on existing newsletters, community calendars, free media, social media, and cross promotional opportunities.
  • We have print media and posters that we use as “leave behinds” at events and senior fairs. We do drawings and special promotions to attract seasonal interest in our membership benefits. Word of mouth and goodwill is also key.
  • We use analytics, research and survey data to better understand what is working and where to focus our energies.
  • We make frequent presentations to outside entities and Senior Living Communities in coordination with OLLI on the Move.
  • And there are many more strategies that we can deploy to share the joy of OLLI at DU.

Do you have a talent in marketing and would like to assist OLLI as we get the word out to new retirees? Let us know by sending an email to

OLLI at DU has formed an OLLI-wide Marketing committee which shares ideas and creates action plans to for marketing and development. This committee meets bi-monthly to discuss strategies, review progress and make recommendations.



Bruce Caughey

Paul Simon

Christine Liptak

Janet Kester

Jeanne Beyer

Mary Ann Laurich

Gary Burandt

Taylor McDonough



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