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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver > ABOUT OLLI AT DU > Committees > Volunteer Committee

Volunteer Committee   

Did you know volunteering can protect the brain against cognitive decline as you age?

Volunteers are the backbone of our OLLI at DU Community and a wonderful way to get involved and make a difference.  Our Volunteer Committee organizes, recruits, supports and recognizes our volunteers.

One goal of our Volunteer Committee is to develop a volunteer handbook to provide information about our different volunteer opportunities.  We will also be coordinating volunteer fairs and workshops and developing a how-can-you-volunteer video.

Another goal is to increase the number of volunteers at each site.  Our website provides a place to track volunteer interests and skills, so we can maintain a current database and utilize our volunteer community in the best possible ways. 

Finally, we are adding a volunteer recognition program to reward our hard-working volunteers.

If you are interested in joining this committee, click below for more information or please contact Sherry Feinbaum at


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