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Winter Webinars

Winter Webinars begin January 17th.  You must register with OLLI at DU for EACH session you would like to attend.  Registration is FREE for all OLLI at DU members and OLLI at CSU reciprocal members. Winter Webinars are not available to non-members. Click here for membership information. Sign into your account to register; if you are not signed in, you will not see the "Add to Cart" button.  

Once registered, you will receive the Zoom registration link via email the day before the webinar.  

  • Deciphering the Molecular Basis of Alzheimer’s Disease Yields the First Treatments Online Free Member Webinar
  • Fee: $0.00
    Dates: 2/21/2025 - 2/21/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    Days: F
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Online - West
    Room: NA
    Instructor: Dennis J. Selkoe, MD
    Seats Available: 239

    As we age, we become concerned about losing our most human qualities: reasoning, memory, judgment. We hear a lot about Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It’s said no one knows its cause. But recent progress has revealed its cause and defined a treatment to slow it. If a specialist diagnoses mild AD, one can begin breakthrough treatments: antibodies that remove the amyloid plaques that initiate AD. There are some risks, but thousands of people now take them safely. They remove amyloid plaques, leading to a 30-40% slowing on average cognitive decline. If one gets treated early, they may even prevent progression. Alzheimer’s is no longer a hopeless accompaniment of age but something we can diagnose and treat.

    RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL READINGS (optional): Selkoe, DJ The advent of Alzheimer treatments will change the trajectory of human aging. Nature Aging   May, 2024 Selkoe DJ, Hardy J. (2016). The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease at 25 years. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 8(6), 595-608. Link:


  • Foundation Excavation and Preparation and Construction of the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project Online Free Member Webinar
  • Fee: $0.00
    Dates: 2/28/2025 - 2/28/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    Days: F
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Online - West
    Room: NA
    Instructor: Kristie Ainslie
    Seats Available: 231

    The Gross Reservoir Expansion Project is a program to increase the storage capacity of Gross Reservoir by raising the existing 340-foot-high, curved concrete gravity dam by 131 feet. The raise will result in Gross Dam becoming the highest dam in Colorado. The existing Gross Dam is owned and operated by Denver Water. The dam will be raised primarily using roller-compacted concrete (RCC) materials and construction methodology.

    This webinar will focus on the geological and geotechnical foundation objectives, excavation, and preparation for the dam raise, and also touch on the RCC placement and dam construction that is ongoing.


  • Wildlife Crossings on Colorado Highways Online Free Member Webinar
  • Fee: $0.00
    Dates: 3/7/2025 - 3/7/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    Days: F
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Online - West
    Room: NA
    Instructor: Jeff Peterson
    Seats Available: 252
    This webinar will focus on wildlife crossings installed by the Department of Transportation throughout Colorado. We will look at how locations are selected, which species are targeted, the various components of a successful crossing, past present, and future research, and future crossings that are currently being planned. There will be a question-and-answer portion at the end of the talk.


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