“Dying is more than a set of medical problems to be solved. The fundamental nature of dying is not medical, but it is personal and experiential.”
We will all die and we need to be prepared for this exit. We need to develop our own understandings, attitudes and wishes of what our end-of-life should look like. This course explores: why is death frightening and has become more fearsome with scientific advancements? Nature of death and the trajectories of how life will end. Why is our healthcare system broken? Bad vs Good death? How can Hospice and Palliative Care help?
In order to be prepared as the end-of-life approaches, we need to do our homework to make our end-of-life choices and share them with our surrogate decision maker, family members and health care providers. Through reading stories, discussions and self-examination, these choices will become clearer by the end of the course.