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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver > COURSES/REGISTRATION > Courses by Subject Area > Literature, Writing, and Language


What happens to our “consciousness” when we die? I have been fascinated by the phenomena of human consciousness since I was a teenager. Then, back in 1972 I read Dr. Raymond Moody's landmark book “Life After Life” and was totally hooked. Moody investigated 150 cases of people who experienced “clinical death” but were subsequently revived. His book started a revolution in popular attitudes regarding an “afterlife” and changed how we understand death and life. Since then and because of vastly improved resuscitation techniques, there has been 50 years of research on NDEs that presents powerful confirmation that indeed there is “life" after death and what awaits us is heart-warming and extremely comforting. Physicians (radiation oncologists, cardiologists, brain surgeons, psychiatrists) at notable universities and hospitals around the world are studying NDEs with truly "mind-blowing" results. This class will bring you up to speed on these findings. And rest assured—this is not New Age “woo-woo.” It is evidence-based findings.

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