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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver > COURSES/REGISTRATION > Courses by Subject Area > Literature, Writing, and Language


This term, for only the 2nd time in our 7 years as facilitators, we will be showing 8 documentary films. Because a documentary represents factual material through the viewpoint of the director, the way in which the material is presented can carry a powerful emotional impact. We feel the films we have chosen for our class this term are worth seeing for the way you will experience the boundless creativity with gunpowder and fireworks exhibited in Sky Ladder to the downright frightening events revealed in “Command and Control”. In Finding Vivian Maier, imagine the astonishment of the man who discovers the amazing artistry of an otherwise unknown street photographer thru the posthumous acquisition of her undeveloped negatives in an estate auction. Minding the Gap provides a surprising and insightful narrative on race, class, and manhood thru the lens of a young Asian American skateboarder. Plus, we’ll view 4 more equally compelling documentary films. Join us for an engaging look at this form of filmmaking. We will show the films in their entirety with Closed Captions for the hearing impaired.

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